Thursday, October 17, 2019

IT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

IT - Assignment Example The basic formats and practices can be duplicated however on the other hand to generalize and say IT no longer enables companies to create a competitive advantage in the marketplace was unsupported. Information technology is an evolving science its full potential still unknown. However with a better understanding of the innovative uses of the science companies have the potential of creating an advantage in the marketplace. The creation and determinant of the effective use of IT is contingent upon a myriad of factors, how a company implements the use of IT in its organizational structure and internal practices, how IT is used in a company’s external marketing campaigns, and whether the value of IT is understood by the leaders and managers as it relates to distinguishing sustainability. Corporations such as Wal-Mart, Hewlett-Packard, United Airlines and other recognizable firms provide the evidence that IT does enable companies to create a competitive advantage. Each of the companies listed has consistently used information technology to distinguish itself in the marketplace. Whereas other firms have implemented similar practices, the firms listed continue to set themselves apart by using IT in innovative and creative ways. An image of IT as a rigid format is erroneous to the contrary information technology presents unlimited possibilities. Leaders within an organization have the responsibility and duty to investigate the application and adaptability of IT practices for the maximum usage. By continuing to develop and implement IT strategies companies can position themselves as leaders within their respective industries. The lack of knowledge of the potential benefits of IT and its application within the organization as well as the benefits in the marketplace can make IT appear to be ineffective and a mundane costly endeavor (Parsons, 1984; Mata, Fuerst, & Bailey, 1995). Business leaders

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