Friday, December 27, 2019
Things Fall Apart Critical Lens Essay - 829 Words
The essence of a literature, in most cases, parallels life’s mysteries. As Ernest Hemingway put it, â€Å"To be truly memorable, a book must have at its core one of life’s great quests: the quest for love, truth, or power.†In other words, the very heart of a text must show its readers the pursuit of self-fulfillment. Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, reveals through the customs and traditions of Ibo culture, as well as the choices and consequences made by each character that a body of work is only worthwhile if there is a search for love, truth, or power. First, the customs and traditions of Ibo culture illustrate that a novel is only memorable if it sets forth a quest for truth. For example, Obierika sought truth after burning down†¦show more content†¦Uchendu humbles him with the truth that when a woman dies it is good for no one. Moreover, the idea that â€Å"Mother is Supreme†is a fundamental part of the customs and traditions of Ibo culture. In essence, the customs and traditions of each character in Things Fall Apart further the search for truth, love, and power. Secondly, the choices and consequences made by the characters demonstrate that a book is meaningful when there is a journey of love, truth, or power. For example, the men from Abame chose to kill the white man on the horse who arrived in their village. This proved foolish as a few weeks later the village was decimated by whoever the white man had been associated with. Uchendu reflects on this by saying, â€Å"Never kill a man who says nothing.†He also emphasizes his point with the story of Mother Kite. The choices and consequences made by the men from Abame progresses the plot. In effect, it also progresses the quest for truth and power because the deaths of these men made the impending threat of European settlement real. Another example is when Okonkwo killed one of the court messengers. In doing this, he strove to regain power that the tribe had lost. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Movie Review Remember the Titans - 925 Words
Movie Review: Remember the Titans In 1971, the black and white schools in Alexandria, Virginia were forced to integrate and became T.C. Williams High School. There were in the community. Above al that, the white football coach, Bill Yoast, was replaced by a black football coach, Herman Boone. There was uproar among the white players and their parents because their white head coach was being replaced. The players attended a training camp where white and black players do not mix. An exception was a fat white player who sat with the blacks. In the camp, the white and black players were hostile to each other. Coach Boone made them sit together in the bus and even had each of them having a roommate of a different race. He wanted them to†¦show more content†¦When one of the members is in high spirit during the game, it would heighten the spirits of others and thus make the team stronger. These examples are consistent with Zajoncs Social Facilitation Theory (1965) where he states t hat the presence of other people might increase arousal and enhance dominant responses. In the movie, different characters deal and reacted differently towards prejudice and racism. Coach Herman Boone deals directly with it. He tries to eliminate the prejudice among the players and faces those who looks down on him bravely. He was not afraid when his window was broken down by people. Coach Bill Yoast did not deal with it directly at first. He was not openly against the blacks but was certainly unhappy when he was removed and replaced by Boone as the head coach. In the end, he accepted blacks and treated Boone as his peer. They remained as close friends till today. As for Gerry Bertier, he was somewhat outwardly discriminating the blacks. However, as he gets to know them better, especially his roommate, Julius, he accepted them and even stood up for them. He dumped his girlfriend because she could not accept Julius and persuaded his mother to get to know Julius. References Amir, Y. (1969). Contact hypothesis in ethnic relations. Psychological Bulletin, 71, 319- 342. In Franzoi, S. L. (2006). Social Psychology 4th Ed. NY: McGraw-Hill.Show MoreRelatedRemember The Titans : Movie Review971 Words  | 4 Pagesminutes after the movie started so the light jogging through the lobby was very necessary.  The sound of the sticky floor as we shuffled up the stairs to get to the â€Å"good seats†in the center of the stadium seating reminded me of the sound of packaging peanuts. All I could smell was concession food. The hot dogs and nachos filled the theatre as I hurried to take off my coat. I was ready to see my favorite actor, Denzel Washington grace the screen in the movie, Remember the Titans. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Traditional Automotive Industry Regions †
Question: Discuss about the Traditional Automotive Industry Regions. Answer: E-Bay Incorporation E-Bay is an American online retailer which operates in e-commerce retailing. It was founded in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar. E-Bay features an online auction and large variety of products on their online platform. In 2016 fiscal year, it generated an income of US$8.97 billion. The reason for choosing eBay is that enterprise takes an innovative step and changes the online retailing market. The company gained a competitive advantage due to their unique business approach. E-Bay operates in the online auction and retailing market. Their strategy focuses on delivering great quality facilities to its users while maintaining their satisfaction. The company features low-cost products on their websites, as compared to its competitors. The online auction feature helps users to auction their stuff on eBays website. Customers can bid their price on a particular product and highest bidder gets the product management. According to the research of Amit and Zott (2012), this approach increases the value of a particular product which increases the satisfaction of both parties. This unique strategy help eBay gained a competitive advantage because the company did not suffer any inventory storage cost. E-Bay maintains transparency and security in each transaction, which helps to establish customers trust in the company. The company uses its technical resources to expand their market overseas. The innovative strategy of the company ensures its sustainable growth in the future. Business Model According to Hagiu and Wright (2013), eBays business model helps them to enhance their business worldwide and gaining success in the online retailing market. Following are an essential part of their business strategy: Originally eBay is focused on their online auction features which help customers selling their products based on auction prices. E-Bay provides first 20 transactions free to its customers and then charges a fee. The layout of their website is simple to understand by its users. The company did not have any inventory storage expenses, like its competitor Amazon. The company provides secure transaction between customers and businesses. The transparency of transactions has gained company their customers trust and enhanced their reputation (Chen, Liu and Yu 2012). The unique strategy of business gained them an exceptional place in the online retail industry. The company maintains a high rate of consumer satisfaction and this help them to sustain their future development. E-Bays innovative technology increases their business at a global stage. The business model of the company ensures their success in global markets. The study of different culture, administration, geographical and economic aspects gained company their unique spot worldwide. The company spends their income on innovative technology instead of in storing inventory in warehouses. The reputation and unique approach of company help in their success in the online retailing market (Cabral and Hortacsu 2010). Tata motors are a part of Tata groups and it was established in 1945. The company operates their businesses in the automotive industry and it is Indias largest automotive manufacturer. Headquarter of the organisation is situated in Mumbai, India. The company owns luxury automotive brands Jaguar Land Rover by an acquisition from Ford Motors. It has an income of US$42 billion in the fiscal year of 2016. The motive of choosing Tata is that it is the largest automotive brand in India and it has increased its global dominance by Jaguar Land Rover acquisition. The company is known for their US$3000 car Tata Nano which was a huge success in Indian automotive market. The strategy of Tata motors focused on manufacturing low priced and fuel efficient vehicles for Indian middle-class families. The company manufacture other vehicles as well, such as trucks, vans, and buses. The companys advantage is their competitive prices and modern technology. The organisation has a reputation of manufacturing low cost, high efficiency, comfortable and durable vehicle. According to the paper of Prahalad and Mashelkar (2010), the corporations acquisition and joint venture deals enhanced their global footprint in automotive markets. Tatas gain their advantage from excellent supply chain network that ensure high quality of vehicle with lower expenses. Tata invests in modern technology to gain market understanding and maintain a high level of customer satisfaction. The technological advancements and foreign investments ensure sustained future growth of Tata Motors in the global automotive market. Business model According to Wells (2010), the business model of Tata is focused on increasing their global reputation and enhancing the quality of their Indian vehicles. Following are the key aspects of their business model: The company invest in modern technology to decrease the prices and increase the fuel efficiency of their vehicles. The demand for a luxury vehicle in Indian automotive market is low. Therefore, Tatas focus is on low-cost and fuel-efficient Tata plan with their suppliers to reduce their vehicle prices. In order to manufacture Tata Nano, the company made deals with their suppliers to provide low cost and durable parts for the vehicle. The manufacturing of Tata Nano significantly enhanced the market share of Tata Motors in the Indian Along with Indian automotive market, the company increases their business in global automotive markets as well. The high reputation of Jaguar Land Rover generated revenue of 24.3 billion in 2017. The income of Jaguar Land Rover amounted to more than 50 percent of Tata motors whole revenue (Becker-Ritterspach and Bruche 2012). The company manufactures and update their products according to the market requirements. The benefit of adopting their approach is the high level of customer satisfaction. The innovative approach of the organisation and modern technology ensure their success in global automotive markets. According to Mitra (2011), while investing in international markets, Tata research various cultural, administrative, geographic and economic policies of the countries. It assists the company to know the requirement and demand of customers from various countries. Therefore, the company focus on low cost and fuel efficient vehicles in India and while entering in international markets they invest in luxury car brand Jaguar Land Rover. This helps in sustaining their development in future projects. References Amit, R. and Zott, C., 2012. Creating value through business model innovation.MIT Sloan Management Review,53(3), p.41. Becker-Ritterspach, F. and Bruche, G., 2012. Capability creation and internationalization with business group embeddednessthe case of Tata Motors in passenger cars.European Management Journal,30(3), pp.232-247. Cabral, L. and Hortacsu, A., 2010. The dynamics of seller reputation: Evidence from eBay.The Journal of Industrial Economics,58(1), pp.54-78. Chen, K.P., Liu, Y.S. and Yu, Y.T., 2012. The Seller's listing strategy in online auctions: evidence from eBay. Hagiu, A. and Wright, J., 2013. Do you really want to be an eBay?. Mitra, R., 2011. Framing the corporate responsibility-reputation linkage: The case of Tata Motors in India.Public Relations Review,37(4), pp.392-398. Prahalad, C.K. and Mashelkar, R.A., 2010. Innovations holy grail.Harvard Business Review,88(7/8), pp.132-141. Wells, P., 2010. The Tata Nano, the global valuesegment and the implications for the traditional automotive industry regions.Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society,3(3), pp.443-457.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Vittore Carpaccio Essays - Vittore Carpaccio, Legend Of Saint Ursula
Vittore Carpaccio Vittore Carpaccio was born around the year 1460 near Venice, Italy. They didn't keep birth records then, so this date is an estimate. Vittore knew from a very young age that he wanted to be a painter when he was older. He couldn't pay attention in school because he was always drawing or sketching on his papers. As a young man, Carpaccio was greatly influenced by two Venetian painters. These two painters were Gentile Bellini and Giovanni Bellini. Carpaccio was influenced greatly by these artists, but he also admired the work of other artists of the Venitian art period. Carpaccio used four cycles of paintings; each of these cycles was used to tell a story. However, only the first two of these cycles have become well known. Carpaccio did the first of these cycles between 1490 and 1495. This cycle consisted of nine large paintings. One of these paintings, named The Legend of Saint Ursula, is considered by most people to be his finest work. Especially original is the painting Dream of Saint Ursula. Vittore completed the second cycle of his paintings between the years 1502 and 1507. This cycle also consists of nine scenes. These scenes are mainly from the lives of Saint George and Saint Jerome. The two best known paintings of this cycle are titled Saint George Slaying the Dragon and Saint Jerome in His Study. Even tough Carpaccio was greatly influenced by other artists of his time; he still had a style that was different than everyone else. He seemed to use the colors black, red and brown more than other colors. He also put exotic animals or objects from faraway lands in many of his paintings. He also was very good with architecture and knew how to paint buildings so they looked real. Some of Vittore's other widely known paintings include: "A Saint Reading" and "Virgin and Child." Even though he isn't as famous as some other artists are; Carpaccio was one of the greatest artists of the early Renaissance in Europe. He may not be the greatest drawer ever, but that isn't what makes him great. What makes him great is how he uses color in his paintings. His colors are always bright and vivid, and his lighting effects are brilliant. Bibliography "Carpaccio, Vittore." Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia. Copyright 1994. Microsoft Corporation. Gerten, C. "Bio: Vittore Carpaccio." 1997. Online. /carpaccio/carpaccio_bio.htm. 3/16/00.
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